
Water demand calculator

Water demand calculator

The water demand calculator, based on the given body weight, estimates the total amount of fluid from water, beverages and meals which needs to be provided daily in order to ensure proper body functioning. *
*The calculator does not reflect the variables related to the use of a specialised diet, air temperature and physical activity.
Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator (TDEE)

Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculator (TDEE)

determines the total amount of energy necessary for the body to cover energy expenditure regarding basic metabolism and daily activities related to the mode of work or study and physical effort. While consuming the amount of kilocalories calculated with the TDEE, you maintain your current body weight. * / **
*for people who are above 18 years old
**The data obtained is estimated as it does not take into account individual variables, for instance, body composition, type and intensity of physical activity or chronic diseases, which may significantly affect the value of the result
BMI calculator

BMI calculator

is an indicator of whether your current body weight is appropriate for your height. It allows you to classify into different categories such as starvation, emaciation, underweight, normal weight, overweight or obesity class I, II or III. The obtained result is illustrative and does not take into account individual differences in body structure or body composition. *
*for people who are above 18 years old
Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)

Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)

determines the minimum energy necessary for the body to support basic life functions such as breathing, cardiovascular system work and thermoregulation. It does not provide data about the total number of calories that we should consume during the day as it does not include any daily activities related to the mode of work, study or physical effort.*
*for people who are above 18 years old