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30-09-2015 Tips

Juice diet for cleansing the body

Juice instead of a meal

Juice diet consists in replacing five meals a day with natural vegetable and fruit juices, which are a source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

Its primary objective is to cleanse the body of toxins, which results in an improvement of overall health, well-being and a better quality of life. Moreover, detox has a positive effect on the condition and appearance of skin and hair, and also gives more energy.

To cleanse the body of toxins, each meal is replaced with a portion of freshly squeezed juice. Depending on the time of day, juices vary in calorific value. For example, the juice consumed for breakfast should provide a large dose of energy, stimulate metabolism to function, make you comfortable in everyday duties and control subsequent eating behaviour.

However, in the second part of the day, the body's energy requirements are lower, so the juices balanced for afternoon snack and supper should primarily provide energy for ongoing use.

Go to: Have you got up on the wrong side of bed? See how to improve your well-being with your diet!

The key factor to balance the diet properly is glycemic index, which affects the change in blood glucose levels after eating a specific product. Fruit-based juices should appear at the beginning of the day as they are a source of natural sugars, whereas fruit and vegetable compositions are perfect before bedtime.

Getting ready for juice diet

Detox juices are supposed to contain a variety of vegetables and fruit, including leaf vegetables (spinach, kale) and leaves itself (dill, parsley, spinach).

Nuts and grains such as sunflower, pumpkin seeds and linseed will also enrich the taste and nutritional values. When preparing juices, you should not use frozen fruit, vegetables or products of poor quality, e.g. moldy, overripe food.

Fruit and vegetables should not be peeled before pressing because their skin has the most fiber, in addition, any unnecessary heating can cause a loss of nutritional value.

Juices should be kept refrigerated for no more than 24 hours.

Besides the nutritional properties of vegetables and fruit, we should pay attention to their taste. Some juices may not appeal to you despite being nutritious.

To make juice therapy effective and to implement it with pleasure, it needs to be tasty or at least have a neutral taste. Ingredient combinations should not cause disgust or food aversion.

Juice diet plan

The minimum time required to detoxify the body is 2 or 3 days. The juice diet period should not exceed one week. For people without previous experience with detoxifying the body with juices, it is recommended to go on a juice diet at the weekend in order to do it comfortably, without additional stress.

During the detox you should observe your body as in the first days you may feel a slight discomfort, for instance, irritability, tiredness or feeling unwell. If the unpleasant symptoms persist, stop the diet.

Juice treatment can be repeated after at least a quarter. The best time for a juice detox is summer, when fresh fruit and vegetables are available, as well as spring because after winter the body particularly needs cleansing.

Juice diet is a perfect way to cleanse the body of toxins, however, you need to properly prepare and conduct it rationally to make it effective. Approximately two weeks earlier, reduce the amount of food you eat to shrink the stomach lining and prepare it for a smaller serving volume.

What do you need to know about juice diet

During juice cleansing, you should give up other products and eliminate liquids such as coffee or even tea. It is best to include only water in the detox. Juice diet is recommended only for healthy people. Contraindications include diabetes, intense physical exercise or pregnancy.